Saturday, January 2, 2010

Orchard Lake mission

Wirtualne kurniki

Kalejdoskop niedorobionych witryn popełnionych przez przymusowych obywateli RP - klasyfikowane wg standardu. (The Polish Mission), 2009, June 30, Tuesday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] The Polish Mission Visits Poland

Looking for The Polish Mission Visits Poland 2009 Journal?
Please see: (Ceil Jensen), 2009, June 30, Tuesday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] “Chlopcy z Polski” and the Knights of Dąbrowski

We are updating the history of the young men who came to Orchard Lake Schools after World War II. They were Catholic children in exile and sent to the Soviet "gulag", some with their mothers and siblings, many becoming orphans by the end of the war. The boys were originally known as “Chlopcy z Polski” and composed of the boys who sailed aboard the General M.B. Stewart arriving at the port of New York 24 Nov 1945. Many settled in metro Detroit, ... (PolishMission), 2009, June 23, Tuesday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] Oral Histories: Polish Girls of Santa Rosa, Mexico and Detroit, Michigan

(Photo: Archives of the Felician Sisters, Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Province, Livonia, Michigan)Currently, The Polish Mission is completing plans to honor the Catholic Poles who came to Michigan after WWII. We  received a grant from the Michigan Humanities Council to document the campus museums. The grant also allows us to record the stories of Catholic Holocaust survivors, Displaced Persons, and Poles who settled in Michigan as the... (PolishMission), 2009, June 23, Tuesday

[Home] Mark Nowotarski at Hamtramck Public Library presents “The J.W. Westcott Story” (49/2009)

Mark Nowotarski, the director of the documentary film “The J.W. Westcott Story”, was a guest of the Hamtramck Public Library, Saturday, November 21.  The meeting included the screening of the film, which tells the fascinating story of the J.W. Wescott, the only ship in America that delivers mail to other ships as they are under way.  Nowotarski spoke about the production of the film which also tells very touching stories of ... (Polish Times), 2010, January 01, Friday

[Home] Annual Christmas Bazaar at Our Lady of Częstochowa (49/2009)

An annual “Christmas Bazaar” was held Satuday and Sunday, December 5-6, at Our Lady of Częstochowa Parish in Sterling Heights.  Beautiful Christmas ornaments, small dumplings for your Wigilia borscht (known as “uszka”), sweets, books, jewelry, cosmetics, and many other items were for sale.  A special raffle with a Christmas tree decorated with fifty 1-dollar bills was taking place, as well as many other instant-w... (Polish Times), 2010, January 01, Friday

[Home] Jak oszczędzić połowę na żywności (49/2009)

Czy wiesz, ile wydajesz na wyżywienie rodziny?  Pewnie nie bardzo, ale wiesz, że o wiele za dużo.  Oto kilka porad, które pozwolą ci zredukować koszt żywności prawie o połowę. Zapisuj wydatki, co pomoże ci w poznaniu swego budżetu i utrzymaniu finansowej dyscypliny.  W zeszycie przygotuj tabelę z kilkoma kolumnami, odpowiadającymi kategoriom wydatków, jak żywność, odzież, transport, dom.  Ażeby wiedzieć, gdzie uciekają pie... (Polish Times), 2010, January 01, Friday

[Home] Janet Napolitano: Reforma imigracyjna za pasem (492009)

“Reforma imigracyjna może zostać przyjęta na początku 2010 r.” - powiedziała w piątek, 4 grudnia, sekretarz Departamentu Bezpieczeństwa Krajowego Janet Napolitano podczas uroczystości zaprzysiężenia 110 nowych obywateli na Ellis Island. “Prezydent Obama bardzo interesuje się reformą imigracyjną, włącznie ze stworzeniem szansy dla tych, którzy przebywają w Stanach Zjednoczonych nielegalnie. Powinni oni uporządkować swój status... (Polish Times), 2010, January 01, Friday

[Home] “Adoramus” w Ohio (49/2009)

Kolejny sukces chóru „Adoramus” z parafii św. Floriana w Hamtramck!  Po znakomitym występie na przeglądzie piosenki religijnej przed kilkoma tygodniami w Chicago, tym razem chór i towarzyszący mu zespół muzyczny oczarował publiczność w stanie Ohio, podczas corocznego koncertu świątecznego ‘The Polish American Concert Band of Toledo”.  Koncert odbył się 29 listopada w sali widowiskowej szkoły Lourdes College w mie... (Polish Times), 2010, January 01, Friday

[Home] Św. Mikołaj u polonijnych dzieci (49/2009)

Tak się złożyło w tym roku, że dokładnie 6 grudnia, czyli w dniu swoich imienin do polskich dzieci w Hamtramck przyjechał nie kto inny, ale właśnie sam Święty Mikołaj!  Nie tylko przybył, ale i przywiózł dzieciom różnorodne upominki, a poza tym zorganizował wspaniały poczęstunek - najróżniejsze słodycze i pizzę oraz zadbał też o ugaszenie pragnienia.  Było to możliwe nie tylko dzięki świętemu Mikołajowi, ale również dzięki wielu sponsor... (Polish Times), 2010, January 01, Friday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents

Lamer tygodniaSam siebie zapiwniczył przed wyszukiwarkami :mrgreen: [Freeman] o matko! - wieści o mojej śmierci są cokolwiek prz... o matko! - wieści o mojej śmierci są cokolwiek przesadzone :)Ustawiłem ostrzeżenie, bo padają tu różne "wyrazy" i wolę ostrzec wrażliwców, np. z S24 ;-)Pozdrawiam! (Freeman), 2009, December 30, Wednesday
two cents, 2009, December 31, Thursday

[Web Pages That Suck -- Daily Sucker] PARTNERS + simons — The Daily Sucker for Thursday, December 31, 2009

PARTNERS + simons Submitter’s comments: Static image so important, they had to hide the navigation. Never had to ‘drag’ a hidden nav-bar open before. Vincent Flanders’ comments: What’s worse is that the hidden navigation doesn’t always show up. It didn’t show up on my IE 7, but it did on IE8. Here are some BrowserCam screen shots [...]Post from: Web Pages That Suck -- Daily SuckerPARTNERS + simons — The D...
Vincent Flanders, 2009, December 31, Thursday

[Web Pages That Suck -- Daily Sucker] Danneman Signs — The Daily Sucker for Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Danneman Signs Submitter’s comments: Yikes! Vincent Flanders’ comments: What drives me stark raving crazy is the fact that I can’t read some of the text. Why? Because there’s not enough contrast. Does anyone with two working eyes ever look at their pages and notice that the text is impossible/hard to read? Danneman Signs Post from: Web Pages That Suck -- [...]Post from: Web Pages That Suck -- Daily SuckerDanneman Signs — T...
Vincent Flanders, 2009, December 30, Wednesday

[Web Pages That Suck -- Daily Sucker] My Social Networking Links of Interest on December 29, 2009 at 1:34 am

Article: “10 signs you don’t understand web analytics” – Post from: Web Pages That Suck -- Daily SuckerMy Social Networking Links of Interest on December 29, 2009 at 1:34 am Post from: Web Pages That Suck -- Daily SuckerMy Social Networking Links of Interest on December 29, 2009 at 1:34 am
Vincent Flanders, 2009, December 30, Wednesday

[Home] LIVING LEGEND (48/2009)

One of the most remarkable Polonian activists to come out of our Metro Detroit community, Kazimierz Olejarczyk celebrated his 90th birthday on December 1.  On that occasion, a few days earlier, on Sunday, November 29 a birthday celebration took place at the American Polish Century Club in Sterling Heights.  Family and friends gathered to celebrate Mr. Olejarczyk’s life, which could not only make a fascinating book, but also an epi... (Polish Times), 2009, December 28, Monday

[Home] Polish Art Center starts Holiday Season (48/2009)

During the November 21-22 weekend the “Polish Art Center” in Hamtramck held its “Holiday Open House” that officially stared the holiday season at this popular store. Guests had a first chance to see szopkas submitted for this year’s edition of the szopka competition held annually by the Friends of Polish Art and “Polish Art Center”.  The winners were announced and awarded, but you can still vote for... (Polish Times), 2009, December 28, Monday


W czasie Adwentu, w dniu 6 grudnia - przypada uroczystość św. Mikołaja.  O uroczystości tej wspominam dlatego, że w krajach katolickich, prawosławnych, a szczególnie w Polsce z osobą tego świętego związanych jest wiele zdarzeń i przeżyć.  Chciałabym więc postać tę przedstawić dzieciom, ale także i dorosłym - jako Św. Mikołaja, a nie Santa Claus. Zasadnicze pytanie to czy święty Mikołaj to rzeczywistość, czy może tylko legenda?  ... (Barbara Lisiecka), 2009, December 28, Monday

[Home] “Thanksgiving” u Bonderów jak nigdy dotąd (48/2009)

Kiedy rodzina państwa Bonderów z Nowego Jorku zasiadła do stołu podczas tegorocznego święta „Thanksgiving” gościem specjalnym tego „dziękczynnego” obiadu był człowiek, któremu zawdzięczają życie.  Albowiem dzięki bohaterstwu pana Bronisława Firuty głowa rodziny Bonderów, pan Joseph, przeżył Holocaust, żyje po dziś dzień i doczekał się trójki dzieci i siedmioro wnucząt. Pan Bronisław i pan Joseph po 64 latach zostani ... (Polish Times), 2009, December 28, Monday

[Home] 90. urodziny Kazimierza Olejarczyka (48/2009)

1 grudnia swoje 90. urodziny obchodził pan Kazimierz Olejarczyk, człowiek-legenda naszej lokalnej społeczności polonijnej.  Z tej okazji w niedzielę, 29 listopada, w Amerykańsko-Polskim Klubie Centurzystów w Sterling Heights miała miejsce bardzo wzruszająca uroczystość celebrująca ten wspaniały jubileusz.  Obecna była rodzina, przyjaciele i wspólpracownicy pana Kazimierza. (Sebastian Szczepański), 2009, December 28, Monday

[Home] Polacy okradają Polaków (48/2009)

Wykorzystywanie polskich imigrantów w Chicago przez rodaków zdarza się równie często, jak w społeczności latynoskiej.  Takie wnioski wyciąga reporterka Kari Lydersen, autorka artykułu w internetowym magazynie na temat najnowszej kampanii w tej sprawie prowadzonej przez polskich działaczy organizacji Powstańcie Robotnicy Chicago (Arise Chicago Workers Center).  O sprawie obszernie pisze  nowojorski „Nowy D... (Polish Times), 2009, December 28, Monday

[Web Pages That Suck -- Daily Sucker] DPGraph -The Daily Sucker for Monday, December 21, 2009

DPGraph Submitter’s comments: I was searching the web for some assembly language information and I “crossed eyes” with this site. Since then I cannot type properly, I’ve grown a third ear and my retina is starting to decay . Vincent Flanders’ comments: Ironically, the site has found a good use for animated images — to show off [...]Post from: Web Pages That Suck -- Daily SuckerDPGraph -The Daily Sucker ...
Vincent Flanders, 2009, December 21, Monday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] Merry Christmas

kartkaPMweb (PolishMission), 2009, December 20, Sunday

[News] Merry Christmas

kartkaPMweb (PolishMission), 2009, December 20, Sunday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents

two cents, 2009, December 19, Saturday

[Web Pages That Suck -- Daily Sucker] Stingrays Studios -The Daily Sucker for Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stingrays Studios Submitter’s comments: Check out this bad boy. It’s the BEST auto art web site in the WORLD, and I can’t for the life of me understand what they do. Vincent Flanders’ comments: Yeah, it also took me a while to figure out what they do. I think they make custom cars, but I might be wrong [...]Post from: Web Pages That Suck -- Daily SuckerStingrays Studios -The Daily Sucker for Thursday, December 17, 2009
Vincent Flanders, 2009, December 17, Thursday

[Home] Tom Zbikowski nominated to the National Football League (NFL) Pro-Bowl (47/2009)

Polish National Alliance member - Tom Zbikowski has been nominated to the National Football League (NFL) Pro-Bowl.
He deserves all of our support!  All of Polonia should cast votes in his favor now and continuously until December 21, 2009. (Polish Times), 2009, December 15, Tuesday

[Home] FPA Announces Szopka Competition Winners (47/2009)

On Sunday, November 22, the Friends of Polish Art’s Szopka Competition winners were announced.  The awards ceremony took place at the “Polish Art Center” in Hamtramck.  “Polish Art Center” is the co-organizer of the competition. The competition chairman - Anthony Wachocki and FPA Vice President William Gorski were on hand to present the winners.  Leslie Albanna’s szopka won the 1st place in the ... (Polish Times), 2009, December 15, Tuesday

[Home] Fr. Król’s 10th Priesthood Anniversary (47/2009)

Fr Mirosław Król celebrated his 10th Anniversary of Priesthood on November 15, at St. Josaphat Parish in Detroit.  The Mass was celebrated by Fr. Król himself and the homily was given by the Pastor of St. Josaphat - Fr. Mark Borkowski.  Fr Borkowski spoke of Fr Król’s journey as a priest, first in Poland, before he moved to US.  At the end of Mass Fr. Król made a beautiful speech thanking Fr. Borkowski for the celebration, ev... (Polish Times), 2009, December 15, Tuesday

[Home] Opel nadal amerykański - Gliwice się cieszą (47/2009)

WARSZAWA - Do niedawna miasto Detroit obchodziło chyba tylko tych gliwiczan i innych Ślązaków, którzy w południowo-wschodniej części stanu Michigan mieli rodziny.  Zmieniło się to na początku b. roku, kiedy koncern General Motors znalazł się w tarapatach.  Zwłaszcza, gdy pod znakiem zapytania znalazł się los należącej do GM firmy Opel, niemieckiego oddziału detroickiego koncernu.  Do tego czasu niewielu przeciętnych Polaków wiedzia... (Robert Strybel), 2009, December 15, Tuesday

[Home] Roztrzygnięto konkurs “Przyjaciół Polskiej Sztuki” na szopki bożonarodzeniowe (47/2009)

W niedzielę, 22 listopada, w popularnym sklepie „Polish Art Center” w Hamtramck odbyła sie uroczystość ogłoszenia wyników konkursu na bożonarodzeniowe szopki.  Od kilku już lat organizacja „Przyjaciele Polskiej Sztuki” (Friends of Polish Art - FPA) prowadzi ten konkurs, który ma na celu kultywowanie jednej z piękniejszych polskich tradycji okresu świąt Bożego Narodzenia - podobnie jak rok rocznie organizowany w Krakow... (Polish Times), 2009, December 15, Tuesday

[Home] 10-lecie kapłaństwa ks. Mirosława Króla(47/2009)

W niedzielę, 15 listopada, w kościele św. Józefata w śródmieściu Detroit odbyła się uroczysta Msza św. odpustowa, którą uczczono patrona tegoż kościoła - wspomnianego św. Józefata.  Ale nie była to jedyna okazja.  Mszą świętowano także 10-lecie kapłaństwa ks. Mirosława Króla, wicerektora Seminarium Duchownego świętych Cyryla i Metodego w Orchard Lake. (Polish Times), 2009, December 15, Tuesday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents

two cents, 2009, December 12, Saturday

[Home] Polish American Congress President Spula Among Pilsudski Institute Honorees (46/2009)

NEW YORK - Frank Spula, National President of the Polish American Congress (holding plaque) was the recipient of the Marshal Josef Pilsudski Leadership and Achievement Award in ceremonies conducted at the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in New York City. Shown with President Spula are Frank Milewski (from left) who heads the Downstate N.Y. Division of the Congress; Bozena Kaminski and Andrew Kaminski, members of the N.Y. Congress executive b... (Frank Milewski), 2009, December 11, Friday

[Home] Hamtramck Public Library Honors (46/2009)

Michael Wilk, Babajide Aje, Thomas Koch, Armen Gulian & Sean Kowalski, Clare Kisiel and Marilynne Margolska are this year’s honorees of the “Hamtramck Public Library Hall of Honor”.
A special banquet during which the honors were presented took place Thursday, November 12, at the Polish National Alliance Council 122 banquet hall in Hamtramck. (Polish Times), 2009, December 11, Friday

[News] St. Nicholas at the Polish Mission

Sunday, December 6th. 2009 After 1:00 o’clock monthly Polish Mass at Orchard Lake Shrine Chapel a special visitor came over to all children waiting to see and talk to Saint Nicholas – Świety Mikołaj! Dressed in His best regalia and accompanied by an Angle they proceeded in the procession to Dining Room Bld. where Saint Nicholas talked individually to every child and gave them presents. With accompanying of Polish Christmas Carols childr... (PolishMission), 2009, December 08, Tuesday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] St. Nicholas at the Polish Mission

Sunday, December 6th. 2009 After 1:00 o’clock monthly Polish Mass at Orchard Lake Shrine Chapel a special visitor came over to all children waiting to see and talk to Saint Nicholas – Świety Mikołaj! Dressed in His best regalia and accompanied by an Angle they proceeded in the procession to Dining Room Bld. where Saint Nicholas talked individually to every child and gave them presents. With accompanying of Polish Christmas Carols childr... (PolishMission), 2009, December 08, Tuesday

[] Sylwester 2010.

ZKP zaprasza cala Polonie na wspanialy Sylwester 2010 w Czwartek 31-go Grudnia, 2009. Po wiecej informacii prosimy dzwonic na 773-745-7799 .
ted, 2009, December 06, Sunday


ted, 2009, December 06, Sunday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents

Basia pisze... ożesz, a ja przeczytalam Vlilo i zastanawiam sie do kogo nurni sie zwraca per uczenice ;) ps. Sztirlic. Ty jesest abosluntym świrem [bez obrazy] twoje świrostwo polega na tym, ze nie wiadomo O CO CI SIE ROZCHODZI tak konkretnie. 2009-12-05 23:03:00
two cents, 2009, December 05, Saturday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents

American Institute of Polish Culture za brak Meksyku w tytule stronki.
two cents, 2009, November 15, Sunday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents

two cents, 2009, November 15, Sunday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents

za co dostałem bana pewnej ŚMIESZNEJ OPOZYCJONISTKI - ppor Dub: "" - Salon24 za interpunkcję i brak linka do OPOZYCJONISTKI (za nieumiejętność linkowania raczej)
two cents, 2009, November 15, Sunday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents poleca telewizory Samsunga (też polecam, bardzo dobre): - Mikołaj z ZUS daje bloga Onetowi, Interii i Salonowi24 w prezencie. Chociaż w sumie, te blogi nawet nie należą do ZUS czy jego rzecznika. Pobieżna lektura regulaminów przynosi takie kwiatki jak np. ten: Użytkownik udziela Salon24 bezpłatnej licencji na publikowanie fragmentów bloga w innych serwisach internetowych, promujących Salon24.Jakim prawem...
two cents, 2009, November 14, Saturday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents
two cents, 2009, November 07, Saturday

[Komentarze do: Kurnik dnia] Autor: two cents

two cents, 2009, November 07, Saturday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] SS Cyril &Methodius 100th Anniversary at Orchard Lake Celebration

Dowload the Program Flyers in Acrobat Reader We’re Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the SS Cyril & Methodius Seminary campus! Saturday, October 3, 2009An Afternoon of Polish History1 PM — Pictorial timeline and history of SS Cyril and Methodius Seminary Fr. Nicholas F. Coffaro 2 PM — History of Michigan’s Polish priests, parishes, & parishionersMark Bowden, DPL Burton Collection, Ceil Jensen, Certified Genealogist3 PM — How to ob... (PolishMission), 2009, September 17, Thursday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] Pictures from WW II Commemoration

Visit album page for the new photos from WWII Commemoration events. Link: Commemoration Photos (PolishMission), 2009, September 10, Thursday

[News] Pictures from WW II Commemoration

Visit album page for the new photos from WWII Commemoration events. Link: Commemoration Photos (PolishMission), 2009, September 10, Thursday

[News] Letter from Consular Division

consulardivision (PolishMission), 2009, August 31, Monday

[News] Letter from Polish Resistance Foundation

polishresistance (PolishMission), 2009, August 31, Monday

[News] Letter from Ambassador Robert Kupiecki

List_Ambasador (PolishMission), 2009, August 19, Wednesday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] World War II Commemoration video (Ceil Jensen), 2009, August 16, Sunday

[News] World War II Commemoration video (Ceil Jensen), 2009, August 16, Sunday

[News] Jan Komski's Art at The Polish Mission (Ceil Jensen), 2009, August 16, Sunday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] Jan Komski's Art at The Polish Mission (Ceil Jensen), 2009, August 16, Sunday

[Welcome to the Polish American Mission] II Wojna Światowa

Zdjęcia z 19drugiej Wojny Światowej
Photos of the Second World War

Zniszczona Warszawa. Fot. Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe
Destroyed Warsaw. Phot. National Digital Archive (PolishMission), 2009, August 14, Friday

[News] II Wojna Światowa

Zdjęcia z 19drugiej Wojny Światowej
Photos of the Second World War

Zniszczona Warszawa. Fot. Narodowe Archiwum Cyfrowe
Destroyed Warsaw. Phot. National Digital Archive (PolishMission), 2009, August 14, Friday

[News] Schedule for WWII Commemoration

It All Began in PolandWorld War II CommemorationThe Polish Mission of the Orchard Lake Schools, SS. Cyril & Methodius Seminary& Michigan Polonia, LLC3535 Indian TrailOrchard Lake, Michigan248-683-0412Schedule (.pdf)Registration (.pdf or names for Wypominki (.pdf) or email: polishmissionmi@gmail.comTuesday, September 1, 20096:00 PM Mass and Sunset Wypominki Candle Service Mass in the Shrine Chapel ... (PolishMission), 2009, July 19, Sunday

[The Polish Mission] 10 June - Last Journal Entry - Aboard LOT Flight 1

We went to Poland with a lot of recent Orchard Lake baggage including naysayers and some concern and apprehension of how we might be received. Would anyone be interested? Who would want to partner with The Polish Mission? Arriving at the beginning of strawberry season and stopping a several roadside stands to purchase the fresh berries, put in a better frame of mind. We left Poland as the cherries were coming into season which seemed to be a harb... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 9 June - Artur Kozlowski, Senate leader and Director

We were honored to meet with Artur Kozlowski, Senate leader and Director of the Polonia Office in the Senate Chancellery who manages the largest budget of Polonia. The poster on his wall was a good omen of the cordial meeting. He asked for an overview of the Fr.Nir situation sensing we would give him the full and true story.We discussed the strikes currently erupted in Polish schools in Poland. He spoke about possible Polish government support ... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 9 June - Government Complex

Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe final day of visits began with a security check and a stop to obtain documents to enter the government buildings and offices. We presented the Minister of Foreign Affairs with a letter of introduction from Chancellor Whalen. They asked personal questions regarding our backgrounds using the materials his staff had researched. We were verified and passed the high level government security as legitimate representatives... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 8 June - Muzeum Wojska Polskiego

Military MuseumWalked via Nowy Świat to the Military Museum to meet with Prof. dr hab. Janusz Cisek. As we waited for him we noted that a Communist era security aid was still being used - each door was secured with sealing wax and string (we noted that the Senate used plastic tethers coded with digital chips).We found we have a common project with Dr.Cisek- oral histories of the Children in Exile. We explained our oral history project funded by t... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 8 June - Muzeum Historii Polski

Monday was the highly anticipated visit with the assistant director of the Muzeum Historii Polski / Museum of Polish History Dariusz Barański and Małgorzata Żaryn, education director. Theirs is a relatively new museum,established by the Ministry for Culture and National Heritage on May 2, 2006. They are currently holding a competition for the design of the building itself.It could not have been a better time to meet. At first they were speechles... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 7 June - European Union Parliament election

Sunday was also the election of Polish representatives to the European Union parliament. There was a campaign on TV leading up to the election featuring animated wycinanki and a competition to be known as the Navel of the European Union .The results of the election were interesting. Those living in Poland voted for the coalition government of PO and PSL while the stateside Polonia voted heavily in favor of PIS. (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 7 June - First Communion

Marcin began to take photos and Klaudia’s father brought his prized horse with colt out of the barn for the photo session. He also invited Marcin back at 6pm to milk the cows to see if he’d lost his touch. The barn was filled with cats, calves, and pigs all trying to get some of the cow’s milk. After the milking everyone was invited back into the farmhouse of bigos and vodka.The evening entertainment was dancing outside to music from the car radi... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 7 June - First Communion

On Sunday we participated in a village celebration which many Polish - Americans hope to experience. We were the guests of the Pakulas who own a summer house in the village - the cozy structure is over 100 years old. We attended Klaudia's First Communion celebration and joined the family and neighbors in a feast. The tables were laden with a variety of homemade meats that were prepared from their pig which was slaughtered for the feast. A sid... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 6 June Wedding

We stopped in a historic church while a wedding was taking place. A parishioner whispered that the lights were going to come on soon. Indeed, a unique feature amazed us: colored lights in orange, violet and chartreuse illuminated the side altars and shrines. (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 6 June Fundacji Polonia Banquet

We excused ourselves from the 30th anniversary event and rejoined the first day of the Fundacji Polonia congress. The banquet was held at the historic hall next to the president's residence.The meal was prepared by the Culinary Institute and featured Polish wild meats such as horse sausage, pheasant, pate of boar and venison.Other Polish foods included smalec, both pickled and creamed herring, and dumplings. The chefs in their torques (and one in... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 6 June 30th Anniversary

The city of Warsaw was celebrating the 30th anniversary of Pope John Paul II’s first visit to Poland as pontiff at a park near the congress. The nine-metre white granite cross stands on the site where John Paul delivered a mass in 1979 in then-Communist Poland. An outdoor Mass was held and the cross was blessed. Bishop Tadeusz Rakoczy of Bielsko-Biała sent Marcin a special invitation to join the delegation while in Warsaw. (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 6 June - Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz

Krzysztof Pietraszkiewicz, President, Poland Bank Association discussed ways to promote Poland using the unique channels via The Polish Mission and the exclusive location in Oakland County, Michigan.We also spoke with Katarzyna Sobierajska, the Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Poland, about our “Come Home, Polonia” programs. She asked for the printed presentation and suggested ways to work with their... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 6 June Meeting with Waldemar Pawlak

The Polish Mission and Michigan Polonia LLC discussed their mission statements with the Vice Premiere of Poland and Ministry of Economic Development Waldemar Pawlak, Eugeniusz Grzeszczak Secretary and Financial Advisor to the Prime Minister Donald Tusk, and Zygmunt Broniarek, former White House Correspondent 1960-1967 and 1985-1990. (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 6 June Fundacji Polonia - Warsaw

XIII Conference “Prosperity for Poland”We were the invited guests of the Fundacji Polonia president Martyna Lisiecka-Klinz and had a personal liaison assigned to us. He is a recent university graduate beginning his political career.Before the conference started we scheduled several meetings where the Polish Mission and Michigan Polonia LLC materials were presented and suggested ways in which they can use our channels. (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 5 June Old Town

The day ended with a tour of Warsaw's Old Town as guests of Andrzej Pakula, an international business man who works with US businesses. We visited a new Jazz Club after our visit to St. John's Cathedral (Katedra św. Jana) and the tomb of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. The pastor helped set the lights so Marcin could take photos of the ex-votos (votive offerings)at the side altar and suggested we take a handful of paper slips which had “thoughts” o... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 5 June Warsaw

The National Archives of PolandWe met again with Burse, in charge of relations outside of Poland. She reviewed the complexity of the archival system in Poland and was interested in continuing cooperation. She mentioned that the project headed by Montreal resident Stanley Diamond was being renegotiated. Known as JRI Poland the indexing project raises funds from interested researchers and funds the indexing of Jewish archival holdings. The Index ca... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 4 June - 20th anniversary

The 20th anniversary of Solidarity was celebrated in the town square and national television stations covered the events all day long. There were camera crews in Kraków where the POL party and government officials welcomed European Union officials to the celebration. Later in the day, the delegation traveled to Gdańsk to join President Kaczyński in an evening celebration. Luminaries, of course, included Lech Wałęsa. Here is Tomasz Sarnecki's fam... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 1 June Bielsko-Biała

We also visited the Development Director of Bielsko Biała to thank Yola who was instrumental in setting up the visits for The Polish Mission and Michigan Polonia. (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 1 June Bielsko-Biała

The next day was filled with visits in Bielsko-Biała. The team visited with Bishop Tadeusz Rakoczy who informed us that a digitization project is underway for the diocese records and an index will be created. He said the index could be shared with The Polish Mission to help researchers pin point their ancestral parishes.When the Bishop found out that Marcin’s daughter had made her First Communion in May, he presented him with a white rosary. It w... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] International Memorial

The Memorial of Auschwitz-Birkenau had 20 commemorative flagstones in 20 different languages including tablets inscribed in English, Slovenian, Belorussian, Czech, German, French, Greek, Hebrew, Croatian, Italian, Yiddish, Hungarian, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, and Roma. The inscription reads:For ever let this place beA cry of DespairAnd a warning to humanityAbout one and a half millionMen, women, and children,Mainly JewsFrom various coun... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 31 May - Auschwitz II-Birkenau

We first visited the area of the Theresienstandt Family Camp and the quarantine area. We peered into the gates of the prison in a prison set up for potential escapees and political opponents all who would only survive for two weeks in the double security brick compound. Each area had small tributes left by visitors. The train tracks had floral tributes and wreaths made of pine cones which represented the surrounding forest. Ribbons woven into th... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] 31 May - Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau

We returned to Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau at 3:00 am to begin the second stage of the Auschwitz series.Chumiecki brought his three specialized cameras including a Nikon fitted with an Infra Red lens. His goal was to capture dawn, symbolizing the new era that came after World War II.The theme was reinforced by the sights and sounds of nature! The rainy, damp morning was greeted by a chorus of crickets, cuckoos,and chirping birds masked ... (The Polish Mission), 2009, July 03, Friday

[The Polish Mission] Auchwitz Museum Security Chief Józef Góra

The access to the proper departments and staff was arranged by Security Chief Józef Góra. He arranged for early entry to the grounds which are closed to visitors from 7:00pm- 8:00am. Góra also arranged appointments with Szymon Kowalski, Deputy Head of the Archives, Igor Bartosik PhD, Director of the Collections Department and Art Historian Agnieszka Sieradzka. (The Polish Mission), 2009, June 30, Tuesday

[The Polish Mission] Survivor art work

The 1 September 1939 Commemoration on the campus of Orchard Lake will include exhibits of two Catholic Auschwitz survivors Jan Komski and Adam Grochowski. Dr. Cywiński was well acquainted with Komski’s work. They received a large collection of his work in 2006. An exhibition was held shortly thereafter. The Barracks visited included offices in barrack 25, The storehouse in Barrack 23 and the former hospital currently closed to visitors in Barr... (The Polish Mission), 2009, June 30, Tuesday

[The Polish Mission] Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-Birkenau

Auschwitz I and Auschwitz II-BirkenauDr. Piotr M. A. Cywiński, Director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum The Polish Mission Director arranged a meeting with the Director of the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, Dr. Piotr M. A. Cywiński. Marcin Chumiecki presented Dr. Cywiński with a limited edition book comprised of images Chumiecki created in 2007 during a night shoot at Auschwitz. The Director gave Chumiecki permission to return at dawn ...

[] Link to Iwonicz webpage.

Link to Iwonicz webpage; 
ted, 2009, February 08, Sunday

[] ZKP Meeting.

The general meeting will be held Friday, December 11, 2009 at the A.P.C. Cultural Centre 5835 W. Diversey Ave. Chicago, 7:30 P.M. This meeting is for the Executive Board and Delegates to the A.P.C.
ted, 2009, February 07, Saturday

[] Polish Constitution Day Parade - May 1, 2010

Join us on Saturday, May 1st, 2010 on Columbus Drive in Grant Park along Chicago’s beautiful lakefront as we celebrate the 119th Chicago parade honoring the Polish Constitution. This historic document is the first democratic constitution in Europe and is second in the world only to the United States’. The parade and celebration are once again expected to draw 250,000 eager [...]
webmaster, 2009, February 02, Monday

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