Saturday, January 25, 2014

Fischer Random chess960 essentials

I am collecting here some generally most important IMHO chess960 links for newbies. The active blogs are watched below in Chess RSS in the footer of this blog.

Chess Essentials

  1. Chess960 � Basic strategy
    1. Surviving the Opening as White - Chess.com
    2. Fool's Mate - Chess.com
    3. Surviving the Opening as Black - Chess.com  
    4. learning openings without memorization? - Chess.com
  2. Chess960 (FRC): DGT960 Chess Clock:
    This quibble aside, the DGT960 performs a valuable service to the chess960 community. 
    1. http://www.chesscafe.com/text/time.pdf
      instead of playing the traditional G/5-minute with your friends for fun, play G/2 minute with a five second time delay!

  1. Chess960 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
http://www.mark-weeks.com/chess/img/wcc-icon.jpg      World Chess Championship Index

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