Viktor Lvovich Kortchnoi is famous for his unusual longevity at the chessboard, continuing to play strong chess at a high age. A good examp...

chess without memorizing ECO for variant 518
Viktor Lvovich Kortchnoi is famous for his unusual longevity at the chessboard, continuing to play strong chess at a high age. A good examp...
Many crashes are caused by malware. If you're experiencing frequent crashes, try scanning your computer with antivirus software. So...
Chess Viewer Deluxe ver 3.5 a doesn't show up neither on mobile version nor on dynamic view of this blog nor on feedburner . Handli...
it's always for profit of some colonel . Without Decree: How to Play Chess: Functions in position play About "Chess at ICC...
Robert James Fischer vs Donald P Reithel (1964)
Mistake in tenth move of black. 19. Kd5 the funniest move ever.
I couldn't see the mate in this position due to my chess blindness. I did guess the first move in the puzzle though. The Truth Abou...
who falls prey to clever attacks within the area of the King that suddenly finds the majesty has no clothes and no place to hide. Kin...
O tzw. końcu komunizmu w Polce dowiedzieliśmy się z telewizji. Żeby było śmieszniej: nie od "pierwszego niekomunistycznego" premie...
W kRaju zamieszkuje 700 000 umoczonych, którzy są zdalnie sterowani przez telefonik. Wystarczy telefonik z Moskwy i siedmiusettysięczna armi...
Najsampierw zostałem zmuszony do zakupu nowszego niebieskiego zęba HFP 1.6 Następnie e-majl przestał mi się aktualizować na iPhone 5 i mu...
Phew, I was just about to surrender
How NOT TO utilize rooks ;)
Don't even try to install it at Blogger - the widget does not work and it doesn't install at Blogger: Spread the Word w/ Widget...