The Accommodations of Adam Michnik : "Ten years after the revolution, Solidarity's key strategist is friends with his old enemies a...

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The Accommodations of Adam Michnik : "Ten years after the revolution, Solidarity's key strategist is friends with his old enemies a...
Well that + 02:00 by the CET time under each post is pretty confusing so just too make sure I am posting this one at 3:20 AM just to if the ...
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Not only. Military Information Services flooded forums with anti-emigration propaganda in 2004. Try to search "Wojska Łączności z Pol...
AdSense for Feeds and FeedBurner Blog: Socializing your feed with Twitter : "Feedburner has effectively lots its mojo. I was using it f...
AdSense for Feeds and FeedBurner Blog: Socializing your feed with Twitter : "To get started, go to the Socialize service on FeedBurner...
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Blogger in Draft: Introducing Blogger Stats : "Posted by Staszek Paśko and Wiktor Gworek, Software Engineers - Sent using Google Toolba...
[Polandian] Polish car insurance One day before collecting her brand new car my wife had an accident in the one we are trading in. Watchin...
They come in all shape and sizes, with all sorts of backgrounds, education and hobbies. Some of them seem to think that if you speak the sam...
Polonia z Chicago głosuje w II turze from Fakty Chicago on Vimeo .