Politics and Freedom: Press freedom index (Freedom House) 20 - The Freedom House Freedom of the Press Survey assesses the degree of print, broadcast, and internet freedom in every country in the world. Ratings are determined by examining three broad categories: the legal environment in which media operate, political influences on reporting and access to information, and economic pressures on content and the dissemination of news. The highest ranked country has the greatest degree of press freedom (index units: 1-30=Free, 31-60=Partly Free, 61-100=Not Free).
Data collected in 2005 Source: Earth Trends -
Corruption: Corruption perceptions index (Transparency International) 4.1 - Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries in terms of the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys. The highest ranked country is the country with the least amount of perceived corruption (index units, 10=least corrupt, 0=most corrupt).
Data collected in 2001 Source: Earth Trends -
Country Risk Ratings A3 - Coface Country Risk Ratings reflects the average level of short-term non-payment risk associated with companies in a particular country. A3 is the third level out of seven possible levels of risk in the order of increasing risk. A1: The steady political and economic environment has positive effects on an already good payment record of companies. Very weak default probability. A2: Default probability is still weak even in the case when one country's political and economic environment or the payment record of companies is not as good as in A1-rated countries. A3: Adverse political or economic circumstances may lead to a worsening payment record that is already lower than the previous categories, although the probability of a payment default is still low. A4: An already patchy payment record could be further worsened by a deteriorating political and economic environment. Nevertheless, the probability of a default is still acceptable. B: An unsteady political and economic environment is likely to affect further an already poor payment record. C: An very unsteady political and economic environment could deteriorate an already bad payment record. D: The high risk profile of a country's economic and political environment will further worsen a generally very bad payment record.
Data collected in 2007 Source: Coface -
Global Competitiveness Report 51 - The Global Competitiveness Report is compiled yearly by the World Economic Forum, an independent international organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. The rankings provide a general description of the economic competitiveness of the 131 countries listed, based on a very broad criteria that ranges from the government organization, to infrastructure stability and disease rates. Many of the 113 factors included come from publicly available data, but the majority comes from a survey the World Economic Forum sends to over 11,000 business executives worldwide.
Data collected in 2007 Source: World Economic Forum -
Index of Economic Freedom 87 - The Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom analyzes a wide range of issues including trade barriers, corruption, government expenditures, property rights, and tax rates to generate an overall ranking of economic freedom. The highest ranked country is the country with the least number of restrictions and constraints on businesses.
Data collected in 2007 Source: Heritage Foundation -
Foreign Policy Globalization Index 41 - The A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy Globalization Index ranks the major developed and developing countries in the world by analyzing key components of global integration (economic, personal, technological, and political integration). The highest ranked country is the most globalized.
Data collected in 2007 Source: Foreign Policy -
Ease of Doing Business Rankings 74 - The World Bank Doing Business project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 178 countries. Regulations affecting 10 stages of a business's life are measured, including protection of investors, protection of property rights, employment issues, and contract enforcement capabilities. The highest ranked country has the most favorable environment for conducting business in the world.
Data collected in 2007 Source: World Bank -
Tax Misery & Reform Index 11 - The Forbes Tax Misery Index reflects the sum of corporate income, personal income and wealth taxes plus employer social security, employee social security and VAT/sales taxes at the highest marginal rate in each locale. The highest ranked country has the highest combined tax rate in the world.
Data collected in 2007 Source: Forbes -
E-readiness Rankings 40 - The EIU E-readiness Rankings evaluates the technological, economic, political and social assets of 69 countries to assess a country's information and communications technology infrastructure and how that infrastructure benefits the country's consumers, businesses and governments. The highest ranked country has the most developed technology infrastructure.
Data collected in 2007 Source: EIU -
Global Services Location Index 18
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Politics and Freedom: Press freedom index (Freedom House) 30 - The Freedom House Freedom of the Press Survey assesses the degree of print, broadcast, and internet freedom in every country in the world. Ratings are determined by examining three broad categories: the legal environment in which media operate, political influences on reporting and access to information, and economic pressures on content and the dissemination of news. The highest ranked country has the greatest degree of press freedom (index units: 1-30=Free, 31-60=Partly Free, 61-100=Not Free).
Data collected in 2005 Source: Earth Trends -
Corruption: Corruption perceptions index (Transparency International) 6 - Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index ranks countries in terms of the degree to which corruption is perceived to exist among public officials and politicians, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys. The highest ranked country is the country with the least amount of perceived corruption (index units, 10=least corrupt, 0=most corrupt).
Data collected in 2004 Source: Earth Trends -
Country Risk Ratings A2 - Coface Country Risk Ratings reflects the average level of short-term non-payment risk associated with companies in a particular country. A3 is the third level out of seven possible levels of risk in the order of increasing risk. A1: The steady political and economic environment has positive effects on an already good payment record of companies. Very weak default probability. A2: Default probability is still weak even in the case when one country's political and economic environment or the payment record of companies is not as good as in A1-rated countries. A3: Adverse political or economic circumstances may lead to a worsening payment record that is already lower than the previous categories, although the probability of a payment default is still low. A4: An already patchy payment record could be further worsened by a deteriorating political and economic environment. Nevertheless, the probability of a default is still acceptable. B: An unsteady political and economic environment is likely to affect further an already poor payment record. C: An very unsteady political and economic environment could deteriorate an already bad payment record. D: The high risk profile of a country's economic and political environment will further worsen a generally very bad payment record.
Data collected in 2007 Source: Coface -
Global Competitiveness Report 76 - The Global Competitiveness Report is compiled yearly by the World Economic Forum, an independent international organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. The rankings provide a general description of the economic competitiveness of the 131 countries listed, based on a very broad criteria that ranges from the government organization, to infrastructure stability and disease rates. Many of the 113 factors included come from publicly available data, but the majority comes from a survey the World Economic Forum sends to over 11,000 business executives worldwide.
Data collected in 2007 Source: World Economic Forum -
Index of Economic Freedom 38 - The Heritage Foundation Index of Economic Freedom analyzes a wide range of issues including trade barriers, corruption, government expenditures, property rights, and tax rates to generate an overall ranking of economic freedom. The highest ranked country is the country with the least number of restrictions and constraints on businesses.
Data collected in 2007 Source: Heritage Foundation -
Foreign Policy Globalization Index 47 - The A.T. Kearney/Foreign Policy Globalization Index ranks the major developed and developing countries in the world by analyzing key components of global integration (economic, personal, technological, and political integration). The highest ranked country is the most globalized.
Data collected in 2007 Source: Foreign Policy -
Ease of Doing Business Rankings 51 - The World Bank Doing Business project provides objective measures of business regulations and their enforcement across 178 countries. Regulations affecting 10 stages of a business's life are measured, including protection of investors, protection of property rights, employment issues, and contract enforcement capabilities. The highest ranked country has the most favorable environment for conducting business in the world.
Data collected in 2007 Source: World Bank -
Tax Misery & Reform Index - - The Forbes Tax Misery Index reflects the sum of corporate income, personal income and wealth taxes plus employer social security, employee social security and VAT/sales taxes at the highest marginal rate in each locale. The highest ranked country has the highest combined tax rate in the world.
Data collected in 2007 Source: Forbes -
E-readiness Rankings - - The EIU E-readiness Rankings evaluates the technological, economic, political and social assets of 69 countries to assess a country's information and communications technology infrastructure and how that infrastructure benefits the country's consumers, businesses and governments. The highest ranked country has the most developed technology infrastructure.
Data collected in 2007 Source: EIU -
Global Services Location Index -

ReplyDeleteW pobliżu miejscowości Orapa i Jwaneng znajdują się bogate złoża diamentów. Botswana jest największym na świecie producentem tego minerału.
Botswana notuje najwyższy wzrost PKB na osobę na świecie. Średni wzrost w latach 1966-1999 wyniósł ponad 9%. Ten spektakularny rozwój Botswana zawdzięcza głównie wydobyciu diamentów.
Botswana boryka się z epidemią AIDS: według szacunków co trzeci mieszkaniec tego państwa jest zarażony wirusem HIV.
Analogii do Polski nie widzę. Same liczby to nie wszystko. Ciekawe jakby wyglądało zestawienie Botswany np. z Bułgarią czy Rumunią
Swoją drogą, gdyby Polska była największym na świecie "producentem" diamentów, to podejrzewam, że w statystyce by wyglądała lepiej od Niemiec czy Wielkiej Brytanii.
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