Saturday, November 5, 2011

Pimping G+ by removing bookmarklet "Note in Reader"

"Note in Reader" was a very handy bookmarklet to bookmark with one single click sites I found interesting and tagging them. I guess I'll move back to Digg.
There is no way and no how I would ever join G+ just because Google blackmailing me to it by removing bookmarklet "Note in Reader". I don't have any need for any circles. Moreover I don't have any need to reveal any more personal information trough G+ to anyone on the Internet.
It Doesn’t Have To Be This Way, Google (Reader) | Maitri's VatulBlog: - you 1 (instead of share) a post which then goes to a 1 page on your Google profile (complete with a Buzz tab that we are warned will be going away in a few weeks). Note that you not only have to create a non-pseudonymous Google profile in order to share Reader items, but also have to point your friends, colleagues and readers to the location of the 1 page, and

- once you’ve publicly 1ed the Reader item of interest, you have the option (which works on a PC desktop, works for crap on a PC laptop and not at all on an iPad) to create a post on Google to let your Circles know that you, Google user, have shared yet another article which is going to take up more of their screen real estate than is really warranted.
This small but maniacally dedicated community of Google Reader users was able to share stories and comments with each other until Monday, when the new version of Reader forced them to start using Google+. But the Sharebros are not taking the snub lying down.
Since the changes were announced earlier this month, more than 10,000 Sharebros have signed a petition to Google created by Washington, D.C.-based grad student Brett Keller.
za pomocą Google Reader Backlash: 10,000 Users Sign Petition to Save Old Version.
Some other reactions I’ve seen so far — ranging from agnostic to angry — include:
za pomocą Save Google Reader – Brett Keller.

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