Preserving Democracy in the Digital Age - The Hill's Congress Blog Штирлиц Saturday, October 24, 2009 0 komentarze Obama open to newspaper bailout bill - The Hill's Blog Briefing ... 09/20/2009 I am concerned that if the direction of the news is...
videofact wychodźca Sunday, October 11, 2009 0 komentarze videofact : "O czym rozmawiali komunisci po przegrancyh 35% wolnych wyborach" ..
Stage of underdevelopment wychodźca Sunday, October 11, 2009 1 komentarze Unfortunately Dr 007th Independent Polonia Wiki seems to be at the same stage of underdevelopment as his blog Dr. 007 Stage of underdevelop...
Molonia Today Online Штирлиц Saturday, October 10, 2009 1 komentarze Quite often an unsuspecting reader would stumble upon a fake polonian site and wouldn't recognize it for what it is - a mole of a Warsaw... » Read more »
Top 10 reasons to learn to speak Polish: Штирлиц Saturday, October 10, 2009 0 komentarze Top 10 reasons to learn to speak Polish: : "Top 10 reasons to learn to speak Polish: 1. To add the next great language of commerce to ...
For the sole purpose wychodźca Wednesday, October 07, 2009 1 komentarze .. of translating some texts from English into Polish I did some modifications to this blog. It is still under construction though Demokr...