
Sunday, December 20, 2009

Top achievement of polonian webmaster

How to avoid any clickable linking on your polonian portal the polish way.

[Home] Tom Zbikowski nominated to the National Football League (NFL) Pro-Bowl (47/2009)

Polish National Alliance member - Tom Zbikowski has been nominated to the National Football League (NFL) Pro-Bowl.
He deserves all of our support!  All of Polonia should cast votes in his favor now and continuously until December 21, 2009. (Polish Times), 2009, December 15, Tuesday
via Wirtualne kurniki.
Players in the Pro Bowl are all chosen by the public.  Voting is done on line adn you may vote as often as you want.  The procedure is simple:

1. Visit
2. Click on Pro Bowl Ballot (located near the large NFL logo on the left side)
3. Click on Special Teams (located in the mid upper part of the screen)
4. Click on Special Teamers (located in the mid upper part of the screen)
5. Find Tom Zbikowski and vote for him and proceed to submit your vote and if you want to vote again for him
6. Click on “Click Here to Vote Again” continue voting at any time up until December 21, 2009.
We thank you in advance for your support.
Polish National Alliance
Executive Officers and Directors

 Of course one could place a link to the ballot, but that would be to simplistic and very unpolish.