
Thursday, January 30, 2003

piąte koło u wozu

Polski WEB w Detroit-Paszporty: "Roman Śmigielski z Danii, sekretarz Europejskiej Unii Wspólnot Polonijnych, ujął relacje między Polonią i krajem w ten sposób: „Mamy ogólne odczucie, że Polonia jest traktowana przez Kraj (władze, czyli rząd i Sejm - Senat różni się tutaj od pozostałych) jako piąte koło u wozu - potrzebne tylko wtedy, gdy jedno z pozostałych kół się zepsuje (vide powodzie, akcje humanitarne itp.).” "


click here OR click there
We may try statistics e.g. everyone in the world vote on 'something'
(e.g. fallacy, logic, pepsi) being 'good' or 'bad', and then we could
say with probability of p 'something' is good. However, personal
definition of 'good' changes over time for an individual (by
observation). If everyone retake the poll every second and we
recalculate the distribution, we could be sure with margin of
subseconds of our results. But some people may lie, so our result is
only as good as what people voted. In any case, for the interest of
correctness we may need to make statements such as "this statement is
a fallacy, fallacy is apparently bad with this probability
distribution 5 hours ago, I am at this point of the distribution, tell
me where you are in this distribution, and if you are minority, maybe
I can try peer pressure on you :)"

"goodness" itself cannot be defined

Naturalistic Fallacy [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy] Moore argues that "goodness" is a foundational and unanalyzable property, similar to the foundational notion of "yellowness," and is not capable of being explained in terms of anything more basic. We intuitively recognize goodness when we see it, as we similarly recognize yellowness when we see it. But the notion of "goodness" itself cannot be defined.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

The Camel's Nose

Get that Camel's Nose out of the Tent! they must use the tools of scholarship that have been made available to them. But they must do so remembering that many of those tools were produced, not by Bible believing scholars, but by liberal enemies of the true faith. St. Paul said, "Evil communications corrupt good manners," (1 Cor. 15)

Apostasy Now Article - Midrash: The Camel's Nose the Bedouin parable goes: if the camel is allowed to stick his nose in the tent, before long, the whole camel will be in the tent.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Cafe Poland

Welcome to Cafe Poland, Izabela!

There are 201 members, though only about 10 or so who post regularly.

There are 5 or 6 founders.

A few months ago we had a big controversy about whether to speak

Polish or English (with a smattering of other languages). We

eventually decided to go bi-lingual, even though the vast majority of

the messages are in English.

Co to jest - Polonia?

Polski WEB w Detroit-Paszporty Co to jest - Polonia?

Po pierwsze, nie wiadomo właściwie, co to ta Polonia jest. Nie ma jednolitej definicji, która przy pomocy ostrych kryteriów pozwalałaby kogoś do Polonii zaliczyć, a kogoś innego z jej szeregów wykluczyć. Intuicyjnie zaliczamy do Polonii dawnych emigrantów, którzy od lat mieszkają i pracują za granicą, niezależnie od powodów, które skłoniły ich bądź zmusiły do wyjazdu i osiedlenia się daleko od Polski. Za Polonię uznaje się także tych obywateli obcych państw, których rodzice, a nawet – dziadkowie zamieszkali z dala od kraju.

The Misanthropic Bitch

The Misanthropic Bitch The Misanthropic Bitch does not encourage feedback. You are not as clever, witty or hate-filled as you think you are. All submissions, though, become property of The Misanthropic Bitch. Submissions may be published or reused in any other medium. Think before you hit send.

Fire the Bastards!

Fire the Bastards! by Jack Green

posing as "the reader" instead of "i" is a trick to pretend modesty

while assuming an undeserved impersonal authority he means his

opinion as a mere human being or mine or yours or anyones is

sneerable at but after "the reader" is hired by Authority, paid a few

measly bucks for a few spotty hours reading, "the reader" becomes

god? objective? full of rich status? or still the same idiot,

playing it safe