
Saturday, November 9, 2002

One Question for Jeffrey Veen

stating the obvious :: Just One Question for Jeffrey Veen :: Mar 24 2000 Apps like Firefly turned into match-making services. Since they couldn't provide the immediate gratification of providing the music, they took the only step they could: The system would introduce you to people with similar interests. Well, I guess that's cool. But how much time do any of us really need to spend in chat rooms with people just like ourselves?


Hypertext Europe Poland
Mariusz Pisarski sends word of a watershed: Liternet, the first conference in Poland on the Internet, new media, blogs and hypertext was held in Cracow earlier this month. A book of the proceedings will be published in September.
The recent fire in Moscow's television tower has left Moscow without television for the past week -- perhaps the first time a major city has gone without TV entirely for such a long period since 1960. An interesting social experiment!

Sunday, September 29, 2002


Mass media a propaganda Srodki propagandy
Naleza do nich stereotyp, mit, plotka i kamuflaz.

Zasady propagandy

     Zasady te określają,
jak powinno przebiegać stosowanie środków propagandy. Jedne
z nich podkreślają rozumienie treści propagandowych, inne
zaś akcentują stronę perswazyjną tych treści.

  1. Zasada zrozumiałości, która zobowiązuje
    do klarowności i prostoty języka.

  2. Zasada stopniowania, dozowania, nazywana
    "taktyką małych kroków" albo "metodą salami" - propaganda
    jest wsączona w świadomość jednostki lub społeczeństwa.

  3. Zasada wiarygodności, zgodności treści
    z wiedzą społeczeństwa.

  4. Zasada wzbudzania emocji, nawiązywania
    do tematów i faktów rozniecających w społeczeństwie odpowiednie

  5. Zasada powszechności działań.

  6. Zasada rzekomej oczywistości.

  7. Zasada niestawiania kropki nad "i".

  8. Zasada atrakcyjności.

  9. Zasada aktualności.

Techniki propagandy

  1. Technika powtarzania, aby treści przekonały
    adresatów i zapadły głęboko w pamięć.

  2. Technika przemilczania, eliminowanie
    liczących się idei, zjawisk, faktów, wartości.

  3. Technika selekcji, stronnicze eliminowanie
    treści prowadzące do skompromitowania przeciwnika ideowego
    lub politycznego.

  4. Technika nadmiernego uogólniania, rozpowszechniania
    mitów, np.: "Wszyscy Polacy są tacy", "powszechnie wiadomo".

  5. Technika autorytetu - ktoś wypowiada
    się, nie mając kompetencji w tej dziedzinie, aby potwierdzić
    treść propagandową.

  6. Techniki manipulacji:

    wybiórcze ukazywanie obrazu rzeczywistości, pomijanie pewnych
    treści, a eksponowanie tych, na których zależy dysponentom
    manipulacji - prowadzi to do dezorientacji społeczeństwa;

    zaskarbienie u adresata manipulacji względów to tzw. "wazeliniarz".
    Są jeszcze znane w propagandzie manipulatorskiej takie techniki,
    jak: natychmiastowości w informowaniu czy sugestii, oraz
    technika manipulowania za pośrednictwem podświadomości.

    Szczególną siłę oddziaływania w propagandzie wykazują systemy

    dezintegracji społeczeństwa,

    kreowania wroga,

    zatrucia informacyjnego,

    S-M-S (sensacja, muzyka, seks).

    Wraz z rozwojem mass mediów zwiększa się ilość i zakres
    stosowanych w propagandzie mechanizmów, środków, technik
    i systemów. Są one nieustannie doskonalone i tym bardziej
    zagrażają wychowaniu.

Zofia Kubińska

nowe państwo


- Golym okiem widac jeszcze inne patologie: brak tego, co Amerykanie nazywaja kapitalem spolecznym, a ponadto korupcje, przestepczosc, rozklad rodziny i panstwa. Czy to efekt utraty tozsamosci?

- Z ta nasza tozsamoscia narodowa jest tak, jakby na srodku dosc ruchliwej drogi wyroslo nam duze drzewo, wok�l kt�rego zdarzaja sie coraz czesciej wypadki samochodowe. Badacze zastanawiaja sie, czy sa one spowodowane wiekiem, plcia, nietrzezwoscia kierowc�w, nie dostrzegaja jednak tego roslego i klopotliwego drzewa. Czyli zanizonej samooceny Polak�w.

- Jakie sa konsekwencje spoleczne negatywnego autostereotypu?

- Po pierwsze, ludzie o zanizonej samoocenie bardzo malo od siebie wymagaja, po drugie - nie maja w sobie dosc motywacji do aktywnosci, do odnoszenia sukcesu. Zanizona samoocena wlasciwie paralizuje sensowne dzialanie, moze nawet prowadzic do agresji wobec innych. A wiec to nie nacjonalizm i ksenofobia sprawiaja, ze na przyklad w stosunku do Cygan�w naszych postaw nie cechuje tolerancja. Przyczyna zaburzen w relacjach z innymi jest przede wszystkim wlasnie zanizona samoocena. Jesli chcemy poprawiac czy zmieniac nasz stosunek do obcych, to postawmy trafnie diagnoze. Nie obnizajmy poczucia wlasnej wartosci, lecz

Dlatego cz�� naszych elit ustawicznie podkre�la, �e mamy przypomina� sobie o ciemnych kartach w�asnej historii, pami�ta� o b��dach i przewinach wobec wszystkich narod�w wok� siebie, a nawet wobec ca�ego �wiata, �e nie wypada nadmiernie akcentowa� w�asnych sukces�w czy dokona�. Po co? �atwiej rz�dzi si� lud�mi o niskim poczuciu w�asnej warto�ci - nimi �atwiej manipulowa�.

- Elity ponosz� ogromn� odpowiedzialno�� za to, �e po trzynastu latach od odzyskania niepodleg�o�ci wci�� trwa sp�r, czy pozytywnym dziedzictwem polskiej to�samo�ci narodowej s� Czterej pancerni i pies, czy bohaterowie Armii Krajowej. W kulturze masowej brak �ladu uwiecznienia czyn�w takich ludzi, jak chocia�by rotmistrz Pilecki czy genera� Fieldorf. Telewizja publiczna karmi nas natomiast nieustannie Klossem na zmian� z Szarikiem. Skoro nie sko�czy� si� sp�r, to nie sko�czy�a si� r�wnie� pewna dwoisto�� naszych wzorc�w, norm, warto�ci, sprzecznych ze sob�. Mamy bowiem do czynienia z r�wnouprawnieniem rozmaitych, wzajemnie wykluczaj�cych si� postaw. Przecie� dzi� bohaterowie solidarno�ciowego podziemia s� stawiani w jednym szeregu z oportunistami z PZPR. Postawy patriotycznej nie da si� budowa� na takim r�wnouprawnieniu.

środki manipulacji

informacyjny serwis szperacza = dobra [] Wyr�znia sie nastepujace grupy mechanizm�w manipulacji: srodki, techniki oraz systemy manipulacji.
Do podstawowych srodk�w manipulacji zaliczamy: stereotyp, mit, plotke, kamuflaz. Stereotyp jest skr�towym i uproszczonym obrazem rzeczywistosci, funkcjonujacym w swiadomosci spolecznej. Jest on nosnikiem kultury, buduje opinie i integruje spoleczenstwo. Jednoczesnie jednak stereotyp zaweza myslenie, prowadzi do uprzedzen i niecheci. Te negatywne cechy sprawiaja, ze stereotyp jest najbardziej funkcjonalnym elementem manipulowania w srodkach masowego przekazu.

Sunday, September 8, 2002

Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum

The Rand Transcript
Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, born in 1905, entered the university on 2 October 1921 and graduated from the Social Pedagogical Division of the Faculty (or College) of the Social Sciences of Leningrad State University. This three-year course of the obshchestvenno - pedagogicheskoe otdelenie (Department of Social Pedagogy) was part of the new social science curriculum at the university, which had united the existing schools of history, philology, and law. The integration of the historical and philosophical disciplines sought to prepare students for careers as social science educators.

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

a la staruszki od ksiedza rydzyka

Wirtualna Polska - Forum WP najglupsza polonia to polonia amerykanska
przez polonie amerykanska mamy dowcipy polish jokes no bo rzeczywiscie 99 procent tamtejszych polonusow to zwyczajne matolki - fanatycy religijni a la staruszki od ksiedza rydzyka , sprzatacze i pokojowki , skloceni i biedni , glupota az boli i nic dziwnego ze powstaly polish jokes

Saturday, August 17, 2002


Learn Polish!
Welcome To Learn Polish!


Wanna learn Polish? Need a translation? You're in a right place!

plotki studenckie Y!

More Polish Groups

Yahoo! Groups : pt-plotki
Category: Creative Writing

Plotki - rumors from around the block - a Czech-German-Polish student magazine about culture and society in Middle and Eastern Europe

Members: 46

Founded: Oct 22, 2000

Language: English

Yahoo! Groups : kulturalnik
Polish independent art and culture. Most interesting events. Names, dates, www pages.
Category: Other

Members: 18

Founded: Oct 22, 2000

Language: Polish

Yahoo! Groups : polishmc

Category: Motorcycles

An English language discussion forum for all lovers of the Polish motorcycle.
Junak, Sokol, WSK, SHL, OSA ....

Members: 36

Founded: Jul 11, 2001

Language: English

Yahoo! Groups : mniam

Category: Ethnic and Regional Cuisine
Members: 244

Founded: Jan 29, 1999

Language: English
An email discussion list for Polish cooking. If you're fond of food from Poland, please join. (You must join if you want to post messages to the group.)

Yahoo! Groups : polishcooking
Category: Ethnic and Regional Cuisine
Members: 239

Founded: Feb 6, 2000

Language: English
If you are looking for this special but forgotten Polish recipe, or you would like to share yours with others, you came to the right place. This is the list for exchanging Polish and Eastern European recipes.

Yahoo! Groups : o_australii
Category: Poland

Interesujesz sie Australia? Chcialbys tam pojechac? A moze chcialbys tam zamieszkac? To jest grupa, na ktorej mozesz spotkac Tobie podobnych ludzi :)

Members: 44

Founded: Dec 7, 2000

Language: Polish

Grupy internetowe
Internet otwiera olbrzymie mo�liwo�ci w dziedzinie komunikowania si�. Internetowe grupy dyskusyjne s� now� form� porozumiewania si� i wymiany do�wiadcze� mi�dzy lud�mi. Ju� istniej�, nie tysi�ce, ale miliony takich grup na �wiecie (w samym Yahoo! jest oko�o miliona grup). Najrozmaitsze firmy oferuj� za darmo coraz to wspanialsze udogodnienia dla ludzi, kt�rzy chc� ze sob� rozmawia�. Do czego to prowadzi? Na pewno do rozwoju komunikacji mi�dzyludzkiej. Ale co to praktycznie oznacza, nikt z nas chyba jeszcze nie zdaje sobie dok�adnie sprawy...


Yahoo! Grupos : brasilpol
This Group is devoted to spread Culture,People, Language and Traditions of Poland. Permit the friendship between Poles and brazilians descendant from Poles and Poles in all world.The official Language of this group is Polish. The messages can be send in Portuguese,Polish or English.

Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Kidderminster U.K.

Yahoo! Groups : polishnews News from Poland - provided by the Consulate of the Republic of Poland in Kidderminster U.K., and Poland Comes Home (campaigning in support of Polish membership of EU).

Saturday, June 8, 2002

how rough the moderation

Read Comments The lack of such tells you about a level of computer literacy of founder/owner/censor/etc. and gives you rough idea, how rough the moderation of it it's gonna be ;) and how much of netiquette's culture will be applied instead of blissful subjectivity of people in charge

Polish Live Journal

Read Comments at Polish Live Journal COMMUNITYSimply asking for it - all you had to do was to ask
Steal code - steal by lurking...

Friday, May 31, 2002

the phenomenon of love

How would you explain in terms of philosophy of mind the phenomenon of love?

David Chalmers: I wish I had a good answer! I would say that the phenomena of love include both an experiential element and a functional/behavioral element. The second of these is a complex question that is probably best approached empirically, supported by careful philosophical analysis of just what the phenomena are.

pleasure and happiness

good & evil Criterion of Pleasure and Happiness:
The philosophers who consider pleasure and happiness to be the criterion of good are also far from the truth. The criterion of pleasure and happiness is baseless. No single measure can be laid down for pleasure and happiness. The measures and standards differ from man to man. For example, likes and dislikes of the rich and the poor widely differ.


Not dancing, talking In each of the episodes, there are musings on how Socrates might help us to deal with unpopularity, how Epicurus thinks that consumerism cannot lead to happiness, how Seneca might help us face a broken heart, how Montaigne faced feelings of inadequacy, how a broken heart might be mended by thinking about Shopenhauer's views on romantic love, and how Nietzsche's philosophy can help us to cope with insurmountable hardship.


German Philosophy - Arthur Schopenhauer "There is no more mistaken path to happiness than worldliness, revelry, high life."
--Schopenhauer, Essays, Our Relation to Ourselves, sec. 24

"The two foes of human happiness are pain and boredom."
--Schopenhauer, Essays, Personality; or What a Man Is.


Shadows Of Illusion Happiness comes most to persons who seek her least, and think least about it. It is not an object to be sought; it is a state to be induced. It must follow and not lead. It must overtake you, and not you overtake it.


Shadows Of Illusion "Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think."...Arthur Shopenhauer


It was Shopenhauer who helped make Buddhism something of a household word among the educated classes of the 1850s. Shopenhauer was particularly impressed by Buddhism�s denial of God. He believed that Eastern religion had shown great brilliance by moving both beyond the concept of God, and beyond the notion of earthly or heavenly happiness. Buddhists recognized the all important fact of human suffering and did not shrink from it. They also recognized that morality did not derive from godly commandments but from the capacity of individuals to identify with one another and that the highest morality was one where the barrier between self and others was totally annihilated. Another aspect of Buddhist genius was the notion that the �will� or �spiritual force� in the universe was totally unknowable. Because people thought that they knew God�s will, they were constantly striving to achieve unrealizable goals.
The payoff for Shopenhauer, and presumably for many Germans, was that this purposeless striving could be suspended by contemplation. For him, the contemplation was on art, music and other forms of culture than through meditation. But it allowed him to appreciate the moment without necessarily clinging to it. Other romantics also dipped into the Buddhist manner of relating to a transparent world. The artist Van Goth was impressed by the way that Buddhist artists could focus on something as simple a single blade of grass rather than having to elaborate a system.
Westerners were beg


Quotes about God, religion, philosophy, mortality, time, war, science & sex The fruits of Chrisitanity were religious wars, butcheries, crusades,
inquisitions, extermination of the natives of America, and the introduction
of African slaves in their place.
-- Arthur Shopenhauer


The Retriever - Opinion As Arthur Shopenhauer stated, "With health, everything is a source of pleasure; without it, nothing else, whatever it may be, is enjoyable .... Health is by far the most important element to human happiness."


Another Philosopher named Shopenhauer wrote that, "the way to attain superiority in dealing with men is to let it be [clearly] seen that you are INDEPENDENT of them. And, [he added] is advisable to let every one of your acquaintances...feel now and then that you could very easily dispense with their company."

We forfeit 3/4 of our lives

Quotes May 2000 We forfeit 3/4 of our lives to be like other people.

- Arthur Shopenhauer


The Daily University Star ONLINE Opinions
The German philosopher Arthur Shopenhauer said, "Not only is optimism wrong, but it mocks all those who suffer."

Sunday, May 12, 2002


McLuhan McLuhan was a master of aphorisms, and like Heidegger, he loved wordplay. The title of his best-selling book The Medium is the Massage is no exception. Maybe he was making a statement about the way that the media massage or pummel us, or perhaps he was making a pun on the new "mass-age." In any case the underlying notion is that the message is greatly impacted by the delivery system. Some would understand this position to be the ultimate in media determinism. If the content is obliterated by the channel, "what" we say is of little importance-only "how" we chose to deliver it. McLuhan's belief in technological determinism is obvious by his phrase, "we shape our tools and they in turn shape us" (quoted in Griffin, 1991, p. 294).


Meme Central - Memes, Memetics, and Mind Virus Resource Welcome to Meme Central, the center of the world of memetics. Memes are contagious ideas, all competing for a share of our mind in a kind of Darwinian selection. As memes evolve, they become better and better at distracting and diverting us from whatever we'd really like to be doing with our lives. They are a kind of Drug of the Mind. Confused? Blame it on memes.


Wired 2.03: The Economy of Ideas

English biologist and philosopher Richard Dawkins proposed the idea of "memes," self-replicating patterns of information that propagate themselves across the ecologies of mind, a pattern of reproduction much like that of life forms.

Wednesday, May 8, 2002


letter At the Saturday Cypherpunks physical meeting, Marianne Mueller (I think) was telling me about an experience where an old letter she'd written to someone showed up in an Alta Vista search. A personal letter, that is. How this happened was that the letter to her friend was buried several subdirectories deep in a directory he made accessible to the outside world. Presto, Alta Vista found it, indexed it, and made it keyword-searchable! (Humans are pretty bad at doing such meticulous file prep work, but all-seeing spiders are very good at seeing everything.)

1996 Flame Convention

Dear Emily Postnews

Guide to Flaming - Word Skills The 1996 Flame Convention agreed that "As innuendo can do so much damage, its use must be restricted to (a) retaliation against personal insult and (b) protection of vulnerable third parties." In practice, this has been taken to justify its use against people who are grossly sexist, racist or who have attacked those unable to protect themselves.
But if all else fails, all's fair ...

Monday, April 29, 2002


Yahoo! Groups : Polish_Pub
You may post in English OR flaunt your Polish also.

Sunday, April 21, 2002

lost 97 percent of our remaining languages

Cultura Germanica
Most of those 6,000 languages are actually moribund, now spoken only by older people and being learned by few, if any, children. Moribund languages are being eliminated not so much through murder of their speakers (as in the past) as by a more insidious process: the use of a few dominant national languages in governments, schools, businesses, movies, videos, and on the Internet. At this rate, by the end of this century we shall have lost 97 percent of our remaining languages, and barely 200 will survive. That would be a gigantic intellectual and cultural loss for all of us.


Yahoo! Groups : ThePolishClubski
Members: 1
Founded: Apr 14, 2002
Language: English
Fresh new Club with not too great membership yet ;)

działające Y!

Yahoo! Groups : Mamuska
Lista ta przeznaczona jest glownie (choc nie tylko) dla polskojezycznych mam,ktore zdecydowaly sie

Friday, April 19, 2002

Obywatel polski niepotwierdzony

Wirtualna Polonia: "w Polsce nie ma precyzyjnej definicji ani pochodzenia polskiego, ani obywatelstwa, a od tego by należało zacząć wszelkie projekty ustaw o obywatelstwie. Stosowane "prawo krwi" jest anachroniczne i bardzo często konfliktowe. Obywatelstwo nie jest równoznaczne przecież z narodowością, co doskonale wiedzą twórcy ankiet statystycznych, które wypełniać będą ankieterzy w czasie nadchodzącego spisu narodowego. Skoro jestem przy nim to wyłania się kolejne pytanie: czy obywatele polscy zamieszkali poza granicami kraju muszą wypełniać ankiety? A jeżeli tak, czy mogą robić to po przez Internet? Ważne jest to pytanie, bo zgodnie z ustawą o spisie: "osobie uchylającej się od podania danych grozi kara do...". Wizytując kraj, z chwilą opuszczania go, nikt z nas nie chce spotkać się z chamskim służbistą na granicy, który zażąda wpłacenia kary za uchylanie się od "obowiązku spisowego"."

Friday, April 12, 2002

Internet Magazine - News/Advice/Reviews/ISPs/Hosting
Q: What is Blogger's mission?

Blogger's mission is to help normal people express whatever it is they have to say to as large of audience who wants to listen. To help people to connect with others of interesting and like minds. And to further the Internet's promise as a tool for the democratision of media and collective intelligence.

Thursday, April 4, 2002

'glade' or 'clearing'

For the Children Poland�s name �Polska� is derived from the word �Polanie� or �plains people�
Correction: derived from 'glade' or 'clearing' in the woods to be precise. 'Plains' translated to Polish language will result in 'nizina' or 'nizinni' also maybe "rownina".


Situation 2 "Generation of BruLion'' -the young poets and writers who make their debuts in democratic Poland. They rebel against the official culture and have no respect for authorities, believing that everyone has to face his moral dilemmas. In searching for the meaning they take up any issue. Nothing is "tabu" or "sacred"; and scandal appears to be a natural outcome of the creative process.

Sunday, March 31, 2002


Dość często odnoszę wrażenie, że Wiarus to Mirosław Krupiński. Guzik mnie to obchodzi i prawdopodobnie się mylę. Wkurza mnie jednak ten bałagan na stronie internetowej Krupińskiego, w którym strasznie ciężko się rozeznać.

Sunday, March 24, 2002


We didn�t need Milgram to tell us we have a tendency to obey orders. What we didn�t know before Milgram�s experiments is just how powerful this tendency is. And having been enlightened about our extreme readiness to obey authorities, we can try to take steps to guard ourselves against unwelcome or reprehensible commands.

In a second analysis, I compared the outcomes of obedience experiments conducted in the U.S. with those conducted in other countries. Remarkably, the average obedience rates were very similar: In the U.S. studies, some 61 percent of the subjects were fully obedient, while elsewhere the obedience rate was 66 percent.


an uprising of Ukrainian Cossacks
The emergency began with an uprising of Ukrainian Cossacks that persisted in spite of Warsaw's efforts to subdue it by force. After the rebels won the intervention of Muscovy on their behalf, Tsar Aleksei conquered most of the eastern half of the country by 1655. Taking advantage of Poland's preoccupation, Charles X of Sweden rapidly overran much of the remaining territory of the commonwealth in 1655. Pushed to the brink of dissolution, Poland-Lithuania rallied to recover most of its losses to the Swedes.

Sunday, March 17, 2002


Ksiega Gosci -- Strona grupy
Witaj w ksi�dze go�ci strony po�wi�conej grupie newsowej
Wpisuj co chcesz. Bzdurne wpisy co jaki� czas kasu... archiwizuj� w innym miejscu. :-) X-M

Shredding Cafe with Enron

CORRECTED: _______ Charged for Shredding Cafe with Enron Documents
The Y! Club known formerly as CAFE POLAND has been deleted. It existed for 365 days. Incidentally the club disappeared at the time of Enron Shredding and Yahoo conversion from Clubs to Groups

Monday, February 18, 2002

Polonia jest nam bliska

Wirtualna Polonia: "Ambasada RP w Ottawie przekazuje tekst wystąpienia Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej Pana Włodzimierza Cimoszewicza poświęcony współpracy ze środowiskami polonijnymi"